Repeat Scripts & Referrals

It is NOT “Just a Script” or “Just a Referral”.

When you request a repeat script or referral the following steps are followed:

  • The Doctor reviews your medical and medication history
  • If appropriate the Doctor will write the prescription or referral

This process can take your Doctor up to 15 mins.

These steps are in place to ensure your current medication continues to be the recommended type and dosage for YOU and or the correct and most current information is on your referral.

Repeat Scripts and Referrals

We all live very busy lives; which we believe is the reason we have found a large increase in the amount of Repeat Script & Referral requests our Doctors are receiving.  This increase in requests has encroached on the Doctors consulting and finishing times.

For our practice to be able to continue this service to you we will be introducing a fee for these requests, beginning on the 15th March 2018.

Repeat Scripts and Referral requests will be able to be made via HotDoc or over the phone to our Admin Team.  Credit Card Payment will be required for both methods.


A full list of the new services and their associated fees can be found on the FEES page on our Website or on our HotDoc page.  There will also be copies available from our Admin Team.

Please be respectful of this process as we strive to provide the highest of comprehensive care to our patients.