Be Alert – Not Alarmed!

Corona Virus – Information for Patients

There has recently been an outbreak of Novel Coronavirus in the area of Wuhan City, Hubei province in China.

If you believe you may have come into contact with the virus; have travelled overseas (especially to China since December 2019); have come into contact with persons who have travelled overseas or in this area; or have come into contact with persons known to or suspected of having the virus; you should contact your local GP urgently and advise reception staff immediately upon arrival at the practice rooms.

If you develop a fever, a cough, sore throat or shortness of breath within 14 days of travel to an affected area, you should immediately isolate yourself from other people. Contact your GP or your emergency department or call the healthdirect helpline 1800 022 222 and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

It is important to phone ahead so that the practice or emergency department can make appropriate preparations and protect others.

When seeking medical care wear a surgical mask (if available) otherwise ask for one when you arrive and practice simple hygiene by covering your coughs and sneezes with a tissue or your elbow and washing your hands thoroughly.

Our staff can provide patients with a mask on arrival in our practice.

Patients who are concerned out-of-hours or have severe respiratory symptoms should call 000 for an ambulance or present to their nearest hospital. Please ensure that you advise the hospital or Ambulance officers if you suspect Coronavirus.

We thank you for your co-operation in this matter.